Upcoming PlayStation 5 exclusive Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart includes a nod to PC and Xbox One cult hit Sunset Overdrive.
Both are developed by Insomniac Games, which was snapped up by Sony in 2019, though Sunset Overdrive has never been available on PlayStation platforms.
Insomniac teased the crossover on Twitter last night, with a picture that showed Sunset Overdrive drink mascot Fizzie being warped into Rift Apart.
Similar tweets also showed other PlayStation franchises such as Uncharted and Horizon getting in on the action.
Oh no..... @FizzieSays will not be happy about this. Quick! Double-check your profanity filters!! @PlayStation @insomniacgames #RatchetPS5Takeover #PlayStationStudiosFamily https://t.co/nUrw2JjXb1
— Sunset Overdrive (@SunsetOverdrive) June 7, 2021
Oh no. That's a Thunderjaw! You should be VERY worried!! @insomniacgames @PlayStation #RatchetPS5Takeover #PlayStationStudiosFamily https://t.co/F1HypQBshu
— Guerrilla (@Guerrilla) June 7, 2021
Uhhhh. . . Sully, didn't we park the car over there?@insomniacgames @PlayStation #RatchetPS5Takeover #PlayStationStudiosFamily https://t.co/vqCoJ55hk8
— Naughty Dog (@Naughty_Dog) June 7, 2021
Insomniac soon revealed that items from other PlayStation games (and Sunset Overdrive) will appear in Rift Apart via the new RYNO 8 weapon. This portal gun will drop objects from other dimensions onto enemies - handy!
So, what does this mean for Sunset Overdrive? Well, Insonmiac owns the rights to the franchise and it, in turn, is now owned by PlayStation. The potential for future games (or remakes) lies in Sony's hands.
Could there still be life in Sunset Overdrive yet? Last night, the official Fizzie Twitter sprang back into life to tweet for the first time since November 2018: "What the heck," it wrote. "Did anybody hear that?"
What the heck. Did anybody hear that?
— Fizzie! (@FizzieSays) June 7, 2021
Released for Xbox One back in 2014, Sunset Overdrive slipped under the radar while Microsoft's old console struggled through its early image problems. Insomniac's game found a modest loyal following which enjoyed its colourful punky style - and a few fans here at Eurogamer too.
"Sunset Overdrive's a blend of Crackdown and Jet Set Radio," Chris Donlan wrote, recommending the game in Eurogamer's Sunset Overdrive review, "and it's delivered with winning enthusiasm".
2021-06-08 10:13:00Z
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