Selasa, 27 Oktober 2020

WRC 9 PS5 Trailer Shows Next-Gen Rally Gameplay - Push Square

WRC 9 is already doing laps on PlayStation 4, but it's worth remembering it's also coming to PS5 on day one. The solid rally racing title is making the jump to next-gen, and you can see what this version looks like in the trailer embedded above.

It's not the best PS5 showcase, but it certainly looks like a step up from the PS4 version. Perhaps the most noticeable difference is performance; the game is running at dynamic 4K and a smooth 60 frames per second in this PS5 footage.

What do you think of WRC 9's next-gen visuals? Will you be picking this up with your PS5? Don't cut in the comments section below.

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2020-10-27 18:00:00Z

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