Senin, 30 Maret 2020

Microsoft’s new Edge vertical tabs look ideal for 16:9 screens - The Verge

Microsoft unveiled its new Microsoft 365 subscription plans today and some new Edge browser features. The biggest new addition is vertical tabs for Edge, which will allow users to stack tabs at the side of the browser instead of the traditional long list of tabs at the top. While it might look a little peculiar at first, it will be ideal for 16:9 monitors and laptops.

Websites typically look stretched out on these types of displays, with a lot of wasted vertical space. If you’re using a 3:2 display, then the regular tabs will likely be more efficient. You’ll be able to click to switch between tabs like you normally do or group tabs together and move them into the vertical list.

Most vertical tab features in browsers like Firefox or Chrome require an add-in these days, despite early implementations of vertical tabs many years ago. Microsoft claims it’s now “the only browser that allows you to manage your tabs on the side with a single click.”

The vertical tabs are expected to come to beta and canary versions of Edge within the next few months, so you won’t be able to try this new feature for a while yet.

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2020-03-30 17:37:57Z

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